Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo



10.19 Mindfulness Series Vol. 2: Mindfulness Practice for Creating an Inclusive Classroom and Society マインドフルネスでつくる、インクルーシブな教室と社会

Event Details

GFD TALK Event: 

Date: Thursday, October 19th, 17:00-18:30 
Venue: Zoom 
Language: English with simultaneous guidance in Japanese


Meet the speaker on campus, same day at noon!

Details here:


Faculty Coffee Break Getting Started with Mindfulness Practice with Professor Ram Mahalingam

Speaker Bio

Ram Mahalingam

Ram Mahalingam is a Professor of Psychology and director of the Barger Leadership Institute University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His current research concerns nurturing a caring and compassionate workplace that treats its workers with dignity. Ram is committed to developing leaders who are passionate about dignity with a mindful commitment to promoting workplace well-being.


ラム・マハリンガム。 ミシガン大学アナーバー校心理学教授、バーガーリーダーシップ研究所所長。現在の研究課題は、労働者に尊厳をもって接する思いやりのある職場の育成である。マハリンガム氏は、職場のウェルビーイングを促進することに熱心に取り組んでおり 尊厳について熱意を持ったリーダーの育成に力を注いでいる。

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In this interactive online workshop, Professor Ram Mahalingam will introduce his initiative at the Barger Leadership Institute at the University of Michigan. Drawing on his experience of incorporating mindfulness practice into undergraduate education for peace and social-justice leadership, he will lead mindfulness exercises to help workshop participants learn how to be mindful as well as how to incorporate mindfulness practice into their teaching.



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