Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo



11.24 GFD International Collaboration Series Vol. 1: Innovative Curriculum Design through Object-Based Learning (with the University of Melbourne) GFD国際連携シリーズ Vol.1: オブジェクト介在型学習による革新的カリキュラムデザイン(メルボルン大学共催)

Event Details


Date: Nov 24 (Fri) 1:30~5:00 pm

Location: Komaba Active Learning Studio (KALS)

Language: English

Speaker Bio

Andrea Dodo-Balu

Andrea Dodo-Balu is currently an Asia-Pacific regional Vice-President of the Convenings Committee for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. She holds a Doctorate in Higher Education and a Master of Education in language teaching and international education from Murdoch University. Her research focuses on the impact of higher education policies and systems on the experiences of students and academic staff involved in face-to-face or on-line learning, and examines implications for access and equity in the higher education setting.


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Olivia Meehan

Olivia Meehan received her MPhil and PhD in the History of Art from the University of Cambridge, King’s College. Her graduate research focused on the circulation of cultural material and ideas in early modern Europe and Japan. She has also trained at the V&A Museum London (International Initiatives) in Creating Innovative Learning Programmes. Since graduating she has worked in museums and galleries, and as a lecturer and tutor in the History of Art. Her current research focuses on Observation, Imagination and Slow Looking.


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In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn the basics of object-based learning (OBL) and explore how they might incorporate them into their classes. OBL is an active learning model that supports the development of transferable skills such as communication and teamwork and connects these skills with abstract and creative thinking. Specifically, OBL involves interacting with cultural materials, everyday objects, and works of art during learning activities and activating visual literacy, observation, touch, and listening. Engaging with ideas abstractly through OBL presents students with opportunities to experiment with knowledge and consider their role in shaping future thinking. Reflecting upon the challenges students face in articulating complex ideas that emerge from deep observation, this workshop invites participants to consider the practice of object inspired thinking and its potential role in promoting transformative learning.



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