Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


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7.9 Reflecting on My Experience at the JALT PanSIG Conference 全国語学教育学会PanSIG 会議での体験を振り返って

Event Details

Date/Time: Tuesday, July 9, 12:15-13:00 (JST)

Online: Zoom

Speaker: Alexandra Terashima

Language: English(英語のみ)

Speaker Bio

Alexandra Terashima アレクサンドラ・テラシマ

Alexandra Terashima holds a Ph.D. in Genetics from Harvard University, an MA in Corpus Linguistics from University of Lancaster, and a B.S. in Biology from the University of New Hampshire. She joined the ALESS/ALESA Program in September 2015 and her current research interests include applying corpus linguistics methodology to the study of language acquisition and to teaching academic writing.



I will describe my experience attending the JALT PanSIG 2024, a conference organized by many of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching, which took place in Fukui, May 24-26. I attended several interesting talks on technology assisted assessment, reflection in academic writing, individual learner differences in language learning, AI assisted language learning and teaching poetry, to name a few of the topics. In this session I will share my impression of attending this conference for the first time, what I learned from these talks, and share about my experience presenting at the PanSIG conference with two colleagues about our ongoing collaboration.



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