Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


  • Time to TALK

7.18 Collaboration, Reflection, and Growth: Takeaways from the PanSIG 2024 Conference 協働、内省、成長:2024年PanSIG会議での学び

Event Details

Date/Time: Thursday, July 18, 12:15-13:00 (JST)

Online: Zoom

Speaker: Greg Dalziel

Language: English(英語のみ)

Speaker Bio

Greg Dalziel グレッグ・ダルジール

Greg Dalziel is Project Assistant Professor in the Center for Global Education. He teaches English writing and speaking for the ALESA and FLOW programs in the Junior Division, and Global Liberal Arts courses in the Senior Division. His research interests are in second language writing pedagogy and teacher professional development.



In this session, Greg Dalziel will share his experience of attending the PanSIG Annual conference, a conference run by the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of the Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT). He will begin by briefly discussing the context of the conference, along with some key takeaways. Then, he will share details of his presentation and ongoing research with Dr. Alexandra Terashima (UTokyo) and Dr. Anna Bordilovskaya (Tokyo City University). At PanSIG this research group presented on the use of reflective inquiry in team collaboration. More broadly, he will discuss the key benefits for personal and professional development of academics in teaching-focused positions seeking out collaboration opportunities.



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