Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


  • Time to TALK

6.6 Time to talk: Implementation of Literary Analysis in Language Teaching Takeaways from the PAMLA 2022 Conference

Event Details

Tuesday, June 6, 12:15-13:00 (online)

Speaker: Dr. Erika D’Souza


In this session, Dr. D’Souza will discuss her experience attending the PAMLA (Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association) in Los Angeles in November 2022. The aim of this annual conference is promoting the pedagogical practices and knowledge of ancient and modern languages, literatures, cultures, and the arts.

She will speak briefly about the topic she presented on, which reflected the challenges and advantages of literary analysis in a Composition syllabus. She will also discuss other papers at the conference that addressed similar topics, including keynote speakers Gary Phillips’ and Rodney Barnes’ presentations on the use of physical location and celebrity/ pop culture as an effect language learning tool.

Note: This is event will be held in English only. 

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