6.25 Sustainability across Curriculum: Integrating Hawai`i as an Indigenous Place into Sustainability Education カリキュラムを横断する持続可能性:先住民族の土地としてのハワイを持続可能性教育に統合する
Event Details
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 25, 12:00-13:00 (JST)
Online: Zoom
Speaker: Aya H. Kimura
Language: English(英語)
Speaker Bio

Aya H. Kimura 木村あや
Aya H. Kimura is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Hawai`i-Mānoa and researches intersections among technoscience, sustainability, and social justice. Her books include Radiation Brain Moms and Citizen Scientists: The Gender Politics of Food Contamination after Fukushima (Duke University Press: recipient of the Rachel Carson Book Award from the Society for Social Studies of Science), Hidden Hunger: Gender and Politics of Smarter Foods (Cornell University Press: recipient of the Outstanding Scholarly Award from the Rural Sociological Society), Science by the People: Participation, Power, and the Politics of Environmental Knowledge (Rutgers University Press, co-authored with A. Kinchy), and Food and Power: Visioning Food Democracy in Hawai‘i (University of Hawai`i Press, coeditor with K. Suryanata). Her forthcoming book (University of California Press) explores fermentation and microbiopolitics through the case of tsukemono or Japanese pickles.
木村あや。ハワイ大学マノア校社会学教授。テクノサイエンス、持続可能性、社会正義の交差点を研究している。著書に『Radiation Brain Moms and Citizen Scientists: The Gender Politics of Food Contamination after Fukushima』(デューク大学出版会:科学社会学会レイチェル・カーソン書籍賞受賞)、『Hidden Hunger: Gender and Politics of Smarter Foods』(コーネル大学出版会:農村社会学会優秀学術賞受賞)など。『 Science by the People: Participation, Power, and the Politics of Environmental Knowledge』 (ラトガース大学出版会、A. Kinchy との共著)、および 『Food and Power: Visioning Food Democracy in Hawai’i』 (ハワイ大学出版会、K. Suryanata との共編)。刊行間近の著書(カリフォルニア大学出版会)では、日本の漬物の事例を通して、発酵と微生物学政治を探求している。
Learn moreAbstract
Prompted by challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, food insecurity, and socio-economic precarity, calls for ways to rethink higher education for a just and sustainable future are burgeoning. How can we infuse sustainability into university education? The concept of sustainability competencies is helpful to articulate and design students’ learning and can be integrated into courses in diverse disciplines. The example of Waiakeakua project led by indigenous native Hawaiians highlights the importance of incorporating diverse ways of knowing and being. The talk also discusses place-based learning and how the relationships with community groups and the bio-cultural milieu in which universities are situated play an important role in sustainability education.