Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo



6.13 Ethically Engaged University 倫理的に関与する大学

Event Details

Date/Time: Thursday, June 13, 12:00-13:00 (JST)

Online: Zoom

Speaker: Emiliano Bosio

Language: English(英語)

Speaker Bio

Emiliano Bosio エミリアーノ・ボシオ

Emiliano Bosio, Ph.D. is a leading educator and author known for his work on ethical, critical and values-based global citizenship. Professor Bosio teaches at Toyo University in Tokyo and is the Editor of The Emergence of the Ethically Engaged University (Springer), Conversations on Global Citizenship Education (Routledge), and Value-Creating Education (Routledge). Professor Bosio is the Executive Editor of the “Global Citizenship Education Interview Series” on YouTube, which features scholars in the field of international comparative education.

エミリアーノ・ボジオ。倫理的、批判的、価値観に基づくグローバル・シチズンシップに関する研究で知られる教育者。東洋大学で教鞭を取る。『The Emergence of the Ethically Engaged University』(スプリンガー)、『Conversations on Global Citizenship Education』(ラウトレッジ)、『Value-Creating Education』(ラウトレッジ)の編者。国際比較教育分野の研究者を特集したYouTubeの「グローバル・シチズンシップ教育インタビューシリーズ」の編集長も務める。


In this session, Emiliano Bosio will explore the concept of an ethically engaged university, prompting critical reflection on the role of universities in today’s complex societies. The ethically engaged university aims to develop students’ critical consciousness toward a “global ethic,” grounded in five dimensions: praxis, reflexive dialogue, caring ethics, humanity empowerment, and an ecocritical perspective. As discussed in the session, the ethically engaged university serves as an ethical platform oriented towards social justice, offering all students, not just those in the Global North, a meaningful way to examine our “Shared Planet.”



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