- Time to TALK
5.6 Time to TALK: Back to “Normal”? Reflecting, Readjusting, and Reinventing Teaching: Takeaways from the TESOL 2022 International Convention
Event Details
ALESS/ALESA Program, Project Assistant Professor
Center for Global Communication Strategies (CGCS)
Speaker Bio
Anna Bordilovskaya
Anna Bordilovskaya obtained her Ph.D. in Linguistics from Kobe University. She holds a Master’s degree in Linguistics from Kobe University and a Specialist Diploma in Linguistics and Language Education from the Far-Eastern State University of Humanities in Khabarovsk, Russia. Her research interests cover various topics, including language contact, Japanese students’ motivation to study English, and language anxiety. Anna joined the ALESS/ALESA Program in April 2019.
Note: This is event will be held in English only.
In April 2020, all courses at UTokyo had to switch to emergency online teaching. Some courses remained online over the past two years, while others returned to in-person or hybrid formats for some semesters. The spring semester of the 2022 academic year is the first attempt to return to the “normal” teaching formats for all courses and campus life. However, the diverse experiences and acquired digital skills that faculty members have developed over the last four semesters can be a valuable contribution to revising, reevaluating, and creating new post-COVID 19 educational practices. In my short presentation at Time to TALK, I would like to share the highlights of the several presentations TESOL 2022 Hybrid Convention, which addressed the transitioning from online teaching back to face-to-face format and revising and reevaluating courses considering the new skill and mindsets of teachers and students. In particular, I will focus on the takeaways from the two following talks: Teaching Beyond COVID-19: Reimagining In-Person Instruction After Remote Teaching presented by Carrie Cargile and Stephanie Gollobin, Vanderbilt University, and Taking Inventory After two years: Our Transformative Digital Takeaways by Jered Borup, National Geographic Learning and Joan Kang Shin, George Mason University. At the end of the session, to keep the format of the meeting more interactive and engaging, I would also invite the participants to reflect on and discuss the practices that might be transferable to their courses in small discussion groups.