2.28 Linking Inner and Outer Transformation for Sustainability 持続可能性のための内的変容と外的変容の結合
Event Details
Date/Time: Friday, February 28, 18:00-19:00 (JST) 10:00-11:00 (CET)
Online: Zoom
Speaker: Christine Wamsler
Language: English(英語)
Speaker Bio

Christine Wamsler クリスティン・ワムスラー
Christine Wamsler is Professor of Sustainability Science at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), Founder and Director of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program, a Mind & Life Fellow, and former Co-Director of the Societal Resilience Centre. She is an internationally renowned expert in sustainable development and associated (cognitive and material) transformation processes, with 25 years of experience. Christine has been ranked as the 8th most influential scholar worldwide for her contributions to environmental science (The Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientist ranking 2024). She is leading the emergent field of inner transformation for sustainability and has co-developed related theories, approaches, leadership and educational programs for accelerating more integrated sustainability and climate action. Her work has shaped international debates and increased knowledge on personal, collective, institutional and policy transformations to address today’s polycrisis. She has led many international projects, and published more than 200 academic papers, book chapters, and books on these issues. Her publications are regularly cited and used in theory and policy development, including by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Christine serves as a senior scientific advisor for the UNDP Conscious Food Systems Alliance, the Global Compassion Coalition, the Inner Green Deal, the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) Initiative; and the Science Centre (Science Village). Her workplace, LUCSUS, is a pioneer in transdisciplinary research and collaboration that combines critical perspectives with solutions-based approaches to address sustainability challenges.
クリスティン・ワムスラー。ルンド大学持続可能性研究センター(LUCSUS)持続可能性科学教授、観想的持続可能未来プログラム創設者兼ディレクター、Mind & Life フェロー、社会レジリアンスセンター元共同ディレクター。持続可能な開発と関連する(認知的および物質的な)変容プロセスに関する国際的に有名な専門家であり、この分野において25年の経験をもつ。環境科学への貢献に関して、世界で最も影響力のある研究者の8位にランクされている(スタンフォード/エルゼビアの2024年上位2%科学者ランキング)。持続可能性のための内的変容という新たな分野のリーダーとして、持続可能性と気候変動対策を加速するためのより統合された理論、アプローチ、リーダーシップ、教育プログラムを共同開発している。今日の複合的危機に対処するための個人的、集団的、制度的、政策的変革に関する国際的な議論と知見に貢献してきた。多くの国際プロジェクトを主導し、200以上の学術論文、ブックチャプター、および書籍を出版している。研究成果は、気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)や生物多様性と生態系サービスに関する政府間科学政策プラットフォーム(IPBES)などに関する理論や政策立案で定期的に引用・使用されている。UNDP Conscious Food Systems Alliance、Global Compassion Coalition、Inner Green Deal、Inner Development Goals(IDGs)、Science Centre (Science Village)などのイニシアチブの上級科学顧問も務める。また、LUCSUSは、持続可能性の課題に対処するために、批判的な視点と問題解決的アプローチを組み合わせた学際的な研究と協働のパイオニアとして世界を牽引している。
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In this seminar, Professor Christine Wamsler will provide a small glimpse into the field of inner transformation for sustainability, related science, and its application in practice. She discusses how we can address today’s polycrisis and the role contemplative practices play in this context. Sustainability science and practice are about finding solutions to complex, global challenges that threaten the existence of humanity and the planet. These threats are generally framed as external to us, and therefore, sustainability work tends to address them with primarily external, technical measures. At the same time, we increasingly understand that these threats are a reflection of an inner, human crisis, a kind of alienation from self, others and nature, which is an integral element of modern life forms. Contemplative approaches can help to address this alienation and are therefore increasingly explored as ways to foster individual, collective and planetary wellbeing and become vehicles for culture and system transformation.