Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


  • Time to TALK

2.19 Team-Based Learning Practitioner’s Portfolio チームベース学習実践者のポートフォリオ

Event Details

Date/Time: Wednesday, February 19, 12:15-13:00 (JST)

Online: Zoom

Speaker: Jesus Pulido

Language: English(英語)

Speaker Bio

Jesus Pulido ヘスス・プリド

Jesus Pulido holds a Ph.D. in architecture and has taught in Spain and Chile before joining the University of Tokyo in 2019. He is a Project Assistant Professor at the Center for Global Education (GlobE), where he teaches scientific writing and global liberal arts courses on sustainability in architecture and urban planning. His research interests include the use of team-based learning to scaffold the learning process, create effective teams, and promote students’ individual accountability to their peers.




In this talk, I will present the team-based learning practitioner’s portfolio, a new course plan based on the Team-Based Learning (TBL) methodology. This is the culmination of my journey through TBL, which began ten years ago in Chile and has been funded by successive TASTE and LOOK projects. Specifically, I will delve into the development of a TBL-based course plan, focusing on four aspects: The backward course design, the readiness assurance process, tools to foster team cohesion, and the instructor self-improvement cycle. As this methodology offers flexibility to be applied in different fields, this talk aims to provide insights for instructors interested in TBL, and to open a space for discussion on how this methodology can be refined to better serve the needs of our students.



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