Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


  • Diversity Cafe

12.9 Diversity Cafe Vol. 9: Confronting Microaggressions ダイバーシティ・カフェ Vol. 9: マイクロアグレッションに向き合うワークショップ

Event Details

Date: Friday, December 8, 17:30-19:00

Hybrid: In person at KIBER 313/online

Language: English(英語のみ)



Microaggressions refer to indirect, subtle, often unintentional incidents of racism or bias that members of marginalized groups experience every day (Sue et al., 2007). Psychologists have found that experiencing constant microaggressions can take a toll on people’s physical and mental health and have suggested various strategies for combating them in the context of the U.S. However, can such strategies be utilized in Japanese contexts? How might our approaches change considering cultural and linguistic differences? This diversity cafe begins with a brief overview of the literature on strategies to address microaggressions as a victim or ally, reviewing concepts from the last meeting. The majority of the session will be focused on a discussion-based workshop of how we might confront, dismantle, ignore, or escape from these “everyday” oppressive comments.

Examples of microaggressions:
“A professor joked to a student, ‘Oh that would be okay if you were gay.’ and whole class laughed”
“When referring to gender inclusion, my professor sarcastically said, ‘This is a class for all males and females and anyone in between.’ and class laughed”
“At a party, some students were pretending to be gay because they thought it was funny.”.
“People keep praising my Japanese skills even though it’s my native language because I’m Hafu.”


マイクロアグレッションの例: 「ある教授が学生に『ああ、君がゲイだったら大丈夫だよ』と冗談を言ったら、クラス全員が笑った」 「ジェンダー・インクルージョンについて言及するとき、教授は皮肉を込めて『これはすべての男性と女性、そしてその間のすべての人のためのクラスです』と言いました。そしてクラスは笑いました」 「パーティーで、面白いと思ってゲイのふりをしている学生もいました」。 「母国語なのに日本語を褒められるのは、私がハーフだからです」


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