Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


  • Time to TALK

12.19 Time to TALK: Collaborating on Content-based Pedagogy: Takeaways from the JACET 2023 Conferenceコンテンツベース教授法に関する協働:2023年大学英語教育学会の会議で学んだこと

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, December 19 (Online)

Speaker: Ian Wash

Language: English(英語のみ)

Speaker Bio

Ian Wash

Ian Wash is Project Assistant Professor in the Center for Global Education. He teaches in the Global Liberal Arts program and previously taught PEAK. His pedagogical intertest is content-based instruction that develops English academic communication skills through learning about global politics.




In this session, Ian Wash will discuss his experience of attending the JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) conference in Tokyo in August 2023. The aim of the conference was to discuss new possibilities for the future of language education under the theme, “Reconstruction and Development of Collaboration in Language Education.”

Ian will begin by briefly speaking about his case study presentation that explained the collective challenges of developing a content-integrated approach to teaching international relations as part of an English liberal arts curriculum. He will then discuss several plenary lectures connected to the conference theme, including Professor Ann Burns’ lecture titled Reframing Notions of Research Collaboration in Language Education.





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