- Diversity Cafe
12.14 Diversity Cafe Vol. 15: From Multiculturalism to Social Justice: Language Education in the United States and Canada 第15回ダイバーシティ・カフェ: 多文化主義から社会正義へ:米国とカナダの言語教育
Event Details
Date/Time: Saturday, December 14, 11:00-12:00 (JST)
Location: Komaba Active Learning Studio (KALS)
Speaker: Ryuko Kubota
Language: English(英語)
Followed by a lunch meeting 12:00-13:00
This is a hybrid event. Seats for in-person participation are limited to 35; first come, first served.
Speaker Bio

Ryuko Kubota 久保田竜子
Ryuko Kubota is a Professor in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. Her research draws on critical approaches to language education, focusing on antiracism, intersectional justice, language ideologies, and critical pedagogies. She is a co-editor of Race, culture, and identities in second language: Exploring critically engaged practice (Routledge 2009); Discourses of identity: Language learning, teaching, and reclamation perspectives in Japan (Palgrave 2023); and Race, racism, and antiracism in language education (Routledge 2025), and the author of 『英語教育幻想』(ちくま新書 2018) and others. Her publications have also appeared in such journals as Applied Linguistics, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, Journal of Second Language Writing, TESOL Quarterly, and World Englishes.
久保田竜子。ブリティッシュコロンビア大学言語・識字教育学部教授。反人種差別、交差的正義、言語イデオロギー、批判的教育法に焦点を当てた研究をしている。『Race, culture, and identities in second language: Exploring critically engaged practice 』、『Discourses of identity: Language learning, teaching, and reclamation perspectives in Japan 』、『Race, racism, and antiracism in language education』の共同編集者、および『英語教育幻想』などの著者。研究論文も、『Applied Linguistics』、『Critical Inquiry in Language Studies』、『Journal of Second Language Writing』、『TESOL Quarterly』、『World Englishes』などの様々な学術雑誌で出版されている。
Learn moreAbstract
Critical approaches to research and practice have increasingly been embraced in the field of language education in North America. This trend is observed in the advocacy for equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice, which can be viewed as an extension of multicultural education. This talk surveys the trajectory of the discourses of culture and multiculturalism in education in the United States and Canada and discusses its connection to language education. During the last few decades, a shift has been be observed from the dominance of liberal multiculturalism to critical multiculturalism with an increased recognition of racism and power, and toward social justice with a focus on intersectionality. Ongoing challenges include contesting neoliberal forces and conservative politics, contextually understanding the concept of justice, and exercising praxis with concrete action for change.