11.22 The SCOPE of Sustainability Education in Japanese Universities: Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD)
Event Details
Speaker: Joshua Jodoin
Date: Tue, Nov 22nd, 17:00-19:00
Venue: Komaba Campus, KIBER Building, Room 314
English only
*Japanese subtitles will be added later to the event recording.
Speaker Bio

Joshua Jodoin
Joshua Jodoin, has a Ph.D. in Global Environmental Studies from Kyoto University and over 14 years of teaching experience at universities in Turkey, China, and Japan. Currently, he is Instructor at Konan University; he will introduce his pioneering approach, Language Education for Sustainable Development, which seeks to integrate sustainable development content and language education.
Today’s university students will be on the frontline of environmental change in the coming years. As future consumers, voters, business leaders, and community members, all students – not just environmental studies majors – will need to make smart, informed, and consequential decisions in their lives. In this lecture, Dr. Joshua Jodoin will introduce concepts and ideas from Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD), a field he is developing himself. Furthermore, he will offer language instructors from any discipline techniques for integrating environmental content and perspectives in their curriculum to help students positively transform their attitudes, behaviors, and the world around them. LESD is a new field of education, which seeks to bridge the gap between sustainability content, often informed by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and best-practice in language education.