Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


  • International Collaboration

11.22 Enhancing Diversity Equity & Inclusion in Higher Education through Indigenous Knowledges in the Curriculum 高等教育におけるDEIを高める:先住民族の知識をカリキュラムに取り入れることを通して

Event Details

Date/Time: Friday, November 22, 14:00-17:00 (JST)

Location: Komaba International Building for Education and Research (KIBER) 314

Speaker: Andrea Dodo-Balu & Barbara Bynder

Language: English(英語)

Followed by a dinner meeting 17:30-19:00

Seats are limited to 20; first come, first served

Speaker Bio

Andrea Dodo-Balu アンドレア・ドドバル

Andrea Dodo-Balu works in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne as a teacher and researcher. An expert in Higher Education, Andrea combines her research knowledge with extensive experience in university level teaching and learning. Her research focuses on the impact of higher education policies and systems on the experiences of students and academic staff involved in face-to-face and on-line learning and examines implications for equity in the higher education setting. Prior to joining the University of Melbourne, Andrea taught at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia, where she coordinated and, with Barbara Bynder, delivered an intercultural communications subject which included a particular focus on the Indigenous Australian experience. Andrea is a white settler woman born in Melbourne, with long-term British Isles ancestry, who is passionate about contributing to systems and relationships built on mutual respect.


Barbara Bynder バーバラ・バインダー

Barbara Bynder is a proud Whadjuk, Ballardong, Yued Noongar woman from Western Australia. Her objective has always been to educate people to the richness and diversity of Aboriginal culture and heritage in order to break down barriers and develop mutual respect and understanding. She is managing director of Karrda, which connects Noongar people and protocols to corporate and government projects. She is also a practicing artist and has worked as an academic tutor at Curtin University since 2015 and recently completed a PhD in Cultural and Social Anthropology at Notre Dame University. In higher education, Barb brings her corporate, academic, and artistic experience together to contribute a wealth of knowledge and lived experience to student and staff learning. She is currently a post-doctoral research fellow at Notre Dame University and cultural advisor at Edith Cowan University’s Centre for People, Place and Planet.



Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is acknowledged globally as an aspect of higher education learning and teaching that is of major importance. The inclusion of Indigenous knowledges is a powerful initiative towards DEI goals. In a society which continues to deal with the ongoing systemic and societal impacts resulting from colonisation, Australian universities have recognized the need to deeply incorporate Indigenous Knowledges in the curriculum and across disciplines as a key foundation of DEI. In this workshop we present an overview of the journey within Australian higher education towards recognising the need to deeply incorporate Indigenous Knowledges in curriculum, and contextualise this within historical, societal, professional and personal contexts related to the Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian experience. We then broaden the lens to look at the relevance and value of a focus on Indigenous Knowledges in higher education systems globally, including Japan. We will then offer practical guidance and interactive activities for incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing within diverse disciplines and learning and teaching activities in the classroom, and ways of overcoming potential barriers.


