- Time to TALK
1.16 Visible Thinking Routines 思考の可視化ルーティーン
Event Details
Date/Time: Thursday, January 16, 12:15-13:00 (JST)
Online: Zoom
Speaker: Julien Agaësse
Language: English(英語)
Speaker Bio

Julien Agaësse ジュリアン・アガエス
Julien Agaësse is a Project Associate Professor in French as an additional language at the University of Tokyo (Trilingual Program), and in the didactics of languages and cultures. His research focuses on the role of psychology and neurosciences, particularly emotions, and on the use of board games in language teaching-learning systems, as well as on the role of evaluation in pedagogical systems.
Thinking routines were developed by researchers at Harvard University. A thinking routine is a set of questions or steps used to support learning and “make thinking visible.” They develop learners’ metacognition, encourage higher-order thinking skills, and provide opportunities for learners to deepen their understanding of concepts. By making thinking visible, learners are better able to apply their new knowledge and abilities to other contexts. Thinking routines can be used at all levels and in all subjects. In this presentation I will introduce examples of visible thinking routines presented by Célia Haumesser and explain how they can benefit learners in foreign language classes.