Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo

Committee Members

GFD Committee MembersGFD委員会メンバー


Isabelle Giraudouイザベル・ジロドウ

Organization for Programs on Environmental Sciences 環境科学プログラム推進機構

Isabelle Giraudou is an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, the Organization for Programs on Environmental Sciences, where she teaches Environmental Legal Studies. In this position, she seeks to implement student-centered teaching methods based on complementary learning styles (including case studies and project-based learning). She is especially interested in designing learning frameworks addressing regulation in emerging fields of transnational expertise, with a focus on Earth system governance and law. Moreover, each of her university position has sharpened her scholarly interest in interdisciplinary approaches to the curriculum and global skills education as an object of research. Focusing on East Asia, her current research project examines how the ‘Anthropocene’ scientific proposal and its narratives are progressively permeating legal studies, and explores the possibility to develop interdisciplinary case-based education in the environmental field of knowledge.


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Leading Faculty Member教員リーダー

Hiro Saito齊藤 弘久

College of Arts and Sciences 大学院総合文化研究科・教養学部

Hiro Saito is a Project Associate Professor of Global Faculty Development at the University of Tokyo. Trained as a sociologist, he is generally interested in the intersection of power and knowledge. He specifically studies how interactions between government, experts, and citizens shape policymaking in highly technical issues. As a mindfulness and design thinking practitioner, he has also been pursuing educational innovations to promote the holistic growth and collective well-being. Currently, he focuses his time and energy on innovating the GFD program and creating a new university in Hida, Japan, to champion higher education institutions as facilitators of transformative learning and positive social change.


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Deputy Director副委員長

Richard Sheffersonリチャード・シェファソン

Organization for Programs on Environmental Sciences 環境科学プログラム推進機構

Richard Shefferson is an American evolutionary biologist who earned his PhD at the University of California at Berkeley, and previously worked as assistant professor at the University of Georgia’s Odum school of Ecology. He currently teaches evolution, ecology, statistics, and field and molecular methods in evolution and ecology. His primary interest in teaching is to find innovative ways of training the next generation of biologists, with applications at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He also retains an interest in teaching cutting edge perspectives on evolution to the general public.


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Faculty Member教員メンバー

Jonathan Woodwardジョナサン・ウッドワード

Organization for Programs on Environmental Sciences 環境科学プログラム推進機構

Jonny Woodward was born in the United Kingdom and studied for his undergraduate and doctoral degrees in chemistry at the University of Oxford. Throughout his career he has shared two passions; chemistry research and chemistry education. While working as an academic in the UK, he was responsible for introducing a number of important educational developments, including the national ‘Chemistry: The Next Generation’ program, managed by the Royal Society of Chemistry and helping develop the first Interdisciplinary Science degree in the UK taught entirely by Problem Based Learning. In 2007 he was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Higher Education Teaching Award. Since 2011, Jonny has been an associate professor at the University of Tokyo. He has devoted himself to constantly find new ways to improve the learning experiences of his students, with a recent focus on ‘Flipped Classroom’ approaches. He is also focused on sharing ideas about pedagogy and teaching and learning throughout the University of Tokyo and in the wider Japanese educational and chemistry communities.

英国生まれ。オックスフォード大学で化学の学士号と博士号を取得。化学研究と化学教育という2つの情熱を持ちながら英国で研究者として働く傍ら、全国的な「Chemistry’s Next Generation」プログラムなど、数々の重要な教育開発の導入に携わる。英国王立化学会が運営する「Chemistry: The Next Generation」プログラム、問題解決型学習で教える英国初の学際的科学学位の開発にも貢献し、2007年には英国王立化学会の高等教育指導賞を受賞。2011年からは、東京大学の准教授を務めている。学生の学習体験を向上させるための新しい方法を常に模索し、最近では「反転授業」のアプローチに力を入れている。また、教育学や教育・学習に関するアイデアを東京大学や日本の教育・化学界に広く伝えることにも力を注いでいる。

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Faculty Member教員メンバー

Tito Akindeleティト・アキンデレ

Center for Global Education グローバル教育センター

Tito was born in London but grew up in Nigeria, where he had his elementary and secondary school education. He obtained a BSc in chemistry and an MSc in cancer cell and molecular biology from the University of Leicester, UK. His undergraduate education involved a study abroad year at the State University of New York at Buffalo. After Ph.D. studies (organic chemistry) at the Imperial
College London and the University of Leeds, he worked at Kyoto University, Pfizer (Sandwich),RIKEN (Wako), and the University of Tsukuba. His research interests focus on the development of small-molecule modulators and probes of the protein-protein interactions involved in oncogenic,neurodegenerative, and cardiovascular diseases. He is also interested in the development of personalised teaching as a means of motivating students. At the University of Tokyo, he is affiliated with the ALESS/ALESA/FLOW program and the Center for Global Education.


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Faculty Member教員メンバー

Paul Consalviポール・コンサルヴィ

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 大学院新領域創成科学研究科

Paul is a Project Professor in Critical Thinking and Technical Writing. He strives to apply his more than 30 years of multicultural business experience and passion for instructional design to deliver learning experiences for the science community on topics such as critical thinking, design thinking, systems thinking, project management for writing projects, and cross-culture communications. Furthermore, he has been sharing his experience as a trainer for over 20 years. He designs and delivers action learning and project-based learning programs which enable businesses to think strategically, deal with uncertainty, ambiguity, and paradox, and have more confidence to handle risk and make changes.


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Administrative Staff事務局スタッフ

Sachiko Arai新井 佐知子

Globalization Office グローバリゼーションオフィス

Arai san has many years of experience working at UTokyo and supports GFD activities with accounting and budget management.


Student Assistant学生アシスタント

Anna Cuiアンナ・サイ

PEAK ピーク

Anna Cui is a third-year PEAK student at the University of Tokyo. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in the International Program on Environmental Sciences. She has many years of experience working as a graphic designer, and she is very passionate about recurve archery.


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