Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo

Look Program

LOOK Programルックプログラム

(Learning and Observing Outside Komaba)駒場の外で学ぶ・観察する

As part of our GFD initiative, we support faculty who are interested in attending conferences on teaching and learning, and observing unique innovative FD practices at other universities. We encourage any faculty (a) who are currently teaching (or planning to teach) their classes in languages other than Japanese and (b) who are interested in faculty development and invested in improving their global educational practices at Komaba to apply. To foster a rich community of learning at Komaba, we ask participants in the LOOK program to:


  • Submit a written report summarizing their experiences, what they’ve learned through the LOOK program, and how they plan to translate it into their educational practices at Komaba and;LOOKプログラムを通じて学んだこと、駒場での教育実践にどのように活かしていくかをまとめた報告書を提出することとする。
  • Participate in the Time to TALK trip report sessions to share their experiences and knowledge with other faculty and staff.Time to TALKの旅行報告会に参加し、自分の経験や知識を他の教職員と共有する。

The conditions of the grant are as follow条件は以下の通り

  • The LOOK program covers ONLY conference participation fees and transportation (Including visa application fees and transportation to and from the point of embarkment). It does not cover the following:  accommodation fees, daily per diem allowance, academic society membership fees, or any other travel expenses.LOOKプログラムには、大会参加費および交通費(ビザ申請料、現地到着までの交通費を含む)のみが含まれます。宿泊費、日当、学会会員費、その他の旅費は含まれません。
  • We accept applications on a rolling basis (no fixed deadline).応募は随時受け付けています(締切はありません)。
  • If your work is primarily focused on language teaching, your application will only be considered if the event concerns broader teaching and learning innovations, for example, designing effective group work or new pedagogical technologies.言語教育が主なテーマである場合、効果的なグループワークや新しい教育技術など、より広範な教育・学習の革新に関わるイベントである場合のみ、応募が考慮されます。
  • Applications are restricted to one per semester.申し込みは1学期に1回に限られる。
  • This application is only for financial support; you are expected to get approval for your trip from the department(s) to which you are affiliated.本申請書はあくまでも財政的な支援を目的としたものであり、所属する部局から渡航の承認を得ることが求められます。
Check past Time to TALK sessions here.過去のTime to TALKのセッションはこちらからご確認ください。

Time to TALK

Please note that the written report is to be submitted withinone month of participants’ return and will be included in the annual GFD report.

If you wish to participate in the program, please fill out the application form and submit it to gfd-tokyo[at] as a PDF file. We ask the applications to be submitted at least two months before the proposed date of travel. We also accept applications for online events.



For inquiries please contact us using the link below.お問い合わせは下記よりお願いいたします。

Contact Usお問い合わせ

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