Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


About Funding資金提供プログラム

Introducing GFD’s funding programs for higher education faculty at our university! We are thrilled to offer three exciting opportunities to support your professional growth and enhance the learning experience for both you and your students.


OWLS Programフクロウプログラム

Enrich your classrooms and engage your students by inviting influential speakers to share their expertise and insights. Our funding program provides financial support for bringing inspiring voices to our university, fostering a vibrant learning environment, and expanding the horizons of knowledge.


LOOK Programルックプログラム

Stay at the forefront of your field by attending conferences, where you can network with peers, exchange ideas, and stay updated on the latest advancements. Our funding opportunity enables you to join relevant conferences, empowering you with fresh insights, innovative practices, and a valuable professional network.


TASTE Programテイストプログラム

Embrace new teaching tools and technologies to enhance your pedagogical approach. Our funding program encourages faculty members to explore and experiment with innovative tools, platforms, and methodologies. By integrating cutting-edge tools into your teaching, you can engage students in dynamic and interactive learning experiences.

GFD is committed to supporting the growth and development of our esteemed faculty. These funding programs are designed to empower you to excel in your teaching endeavors, broaden your horizons, and inspire your students to reach their full potential.

Check the menu on the left for more information about each program and the application process. Together, let’s embrace the power of knowledge, innovation, and collaboration to create an exceptional learning environment at our university.


