Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo

Faculty Development

Faculty Developmentファカルティ・ディベロップメント

The Importance of Faculty Development in Today’s Globalized Worldグローバル化した世界におけるファカルティ・ディベロップメントの重要性

To thrive as a competitive, reputable institution in this globalized era, it is imperative to provide a quality education that can promote students’ learning to the fullest extent, since it is these students who will be responsible for shaping the future of society. To achieve this goal, it is crucial for faculty members to reflect on their teaching and improve their skills. The Global Faculty Development (GFD) initiative thus allows for a systematic endeavor for empowering teachers and, in turn, providing practical and essential education for building a better future.



What is faculty development (FD)?ファカルティ・ディベロップメント(FD)とは?


To begin, “faculty development (FD)” refers to a set of programs to empower faculty members to continuously update and improve their teaching practices. Such effort on the part of faculty is crucial for higher education institutions to stay relevant and meaningfully contribute to an ever-changing society. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies are radically transforming economies, governments, communications, habits and mindsets, and many other aspects of human life. These radical transformations enable, and even necessitate, new ways of learning to thrive in the world of constant change.


Accordingly, faculty members need to learn new ways of teaching, or rather, new ways of facilitating student learning. In the near future, for example, lectures will be delivered by AI, and AI-assisted individually tailored learning will likely become a norm. What will be left for faculty members to teach then?


While this is still an open-ended question, educational researchers and practitioners are scrambling to experiment with new technologies and pedagogies. Some of them strive to maximally integrate AI and other technologies into course and lesson design, teaching delivery, and assessment and feedback. Others probe deeply into what only humans can teach, say, by exploring contemplative, socioemotional, embodied, and multimodal aspects of learning that currently elude AI.





GFD’s missionGFDの使命


Simply put, GFD’s mission is to “promote teaching excellence among faculty members who offer courses in English and other foreign languages.” Importantly, this mission makes GFD a one-of-a-kind organization, uniquely located in the intersection of teaching excellence and internationalization of education. Given that the tasks of teaching excellence and internationalization of education are typically assigned to different organizational units, GFD plays the pivotal role of “organizational bridge” that synergistically connects multiple relevant programs across campus to enhance the quality of university-wide educational experience. Herein lies GFD’s innovative contribution.


GFDの使命は「英語やその他の外国語で授業を行う教員の教授法卓越化を促進すること」であり、この点においてGFDは、教育の卓越化と国際化のユニークな交差点に位置しています。一般的に、高等教育機関では、教育の卓越化と国際化を担う組織が分かれていますが、GFD はキャンパス内の複数の関連プログラムを相乗的に連携させて、大学全体の教育体験の質を向上させる「組織的架け橋」という極めて重要な役割を果たします。ここにGFDの革新的貢献があるのです。

The Growing Importance of GFD益々高まるGFDの重要性


In any case, in this technology-driven transformation of the ways of learning, working, and living, faculty members must keep updating their pedagogical practices, so that they can effectively help the younger generation not only adapt to but also flourish in today’s world. In this regard, the importance of faculty development will only grow, and so will the importance of GFD.


In fact, GFD’s importance doubles in today’s world that is faced not only with technology-driven transformations but also with global challenges, such as climate change, armed conflicts, refugee crises, and inequalities. Here, higher education institutions have a crucial role to play in helping the younger generation acquire skills and mindsets for tackling these challenges through collaborations across national borders, sectors, and cultural boundaries. In this regard, the internationalization of university curricula, course contents, pedagogical practices, and classrooms is indispensable, and this is exactly what GFD promotes by supporting faculty members who are responsible for such internationalization at the University of Tokyo and beyond.




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