Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo

Time to TALK

Time to TALKTALKの時間

In the Time to TALK (Teaching and Learning at Komaba) sessions, faculty who have attended conferences related to faculty development and/or visited universities through the LOOK Program share their experiences with the community at Komaba. Typically, we host two sessions per year. Please come join us to find out what your colleagues have experienced!

Time to TALK(Teaching and Learning at Komaba)セッションは、ファカルティ・ディベロップメント関連の学会に参加したり、LOOKプログラムを通じて大学を訪問したりした教員たちが、その経験を駒場のコミュニティで共有するものです。通常、年に2回のセッションを開催しています。ぜひ参加して、同僚がどんな経験をしたのか知ってください!


  • Time to TALK
1.16 Visible Thinking Routines 思考の可視化ルーティーン

Abstract Thinking routine […]

  • Time to TALK
3.14 Time to talk: Team-Based Learning. Lessons from a Practical Experience in a PEAK Course

Abstract In this talk, Dr […]